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Daily Archives: March 6, 2019

How To Create A DIY Writing Retreat

My birthday is this month (this Sunday, in fact, if you’re reading this the week this post goes live) and I want to celebrate with you!

Something that’s been on my mind a lot lately is writing retreats. It’s not practical for most people to head to a cabin in the woods for two weeks, so I’ve been thinking of ways to create DIY writing retreats at home (or close to home).

My MFA program was low-residency, which means I’d spend a week in Cambridge, MA twice a year learning, writing, and workshopping. I loved residencies so much.

While it wasn’t exactly the same thing as a writing retreat, it did give me the desire to dedicate focused time to my writing. And now, eight years after my MFA program, I’m still thinking that way.

Maybe you get the itch sometimes too and want to figure out a way to have a writing retreat without putting your whole life on pause.

So I created a free ebook for you because I know I’m not the only writer out there with an urge to hide away and get creative!

Click here to get your hands on a free copy today.

And please, share with your friends! If you find this ebook helpful, I’d love it if you spread the word.

As a special bonus, I’m also offering $33 off any of my writing coaching packages from now until my birthday on Sunday, March 10th. If you’ve been thinking about getting extra support and accountability for your writing journey, now is the time to sign up!

I hope this resource inspires you to try building your own DIY writing retreat. Let me know if it does!